Rosie Foster-Brown 29.6.15

The last couple of months have been hugely frustrating. As much as I love live music photography, it's portraits that I really want to be improving at and being busy shooting gigs, as well as being cursed with models continuously cancelling shoots on me has led to me not being able to do any portrait shoots for awhile.
In the time that I've not been doing any portrait shoots, I've been looking at the works of photographers like Rich Burroughs, as well as working on my editing style.
With the portraits that I have planned I want to create a sense of simplicity and intimacy, and I want my editing style to create a softness to the images that perhaps has been missing from my previous work.
Anyway, here are a few shots of Rosie, who was kind enough to battle her nerves of being in front of a camera rather than behind it, to allow me to take these photographs.