Hypophora Portraits, 13.11.16
When it comes to band portraits I feel like the easiest option is to just shove a band against a wall and take a few shots while they casually stand there. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, it's standard fare and I can see why. Bands don't want to have their photograph taken (most of them anyway) and why would they, they want to be gigging or creating music. Being photographed is a necessary evil these days in the industry (luckily for me I guess?).
Having said that, I feel like in the modern industry, a lot of the time, a still image is being taken for granted. Your music speaks for you on so many levels but your images and your videos speak for you just as much in the interim before people hear you. Image is important and it's my thought that while it's always great to have a straight up band shot (I always try and do one), I also think that a shot should be interesting to look at.
So here is the hope that these shots are interesting. I'm heavily influenced by putting people in an environment and not having the protagonists in the photograph playing the main part (perhaps not conducive to a great promo shot). I think from these shots alone you can see my obvious interest in street photography as well as repetition, symmetry, and lines.
This is Hypophora.