Allusondrugs, Warhorns + Radiosaurus @ No.52, Newquay 18.11.16

This Allusondrugs gig was potentially the last live show I've photographed this year. 2016 has been an incredible year that has seen me travelling around England, photographing some big names, as well as some bands that perhaps aren't big yet but bloody well should be. On top of this, I've also feverishly documented the local music scene in Cornwall as much as I've found physically possible.
There are an incredible amount of people (particularly in Cornwall and particularly who are involved and supporting my work) who work within the realms of music for the love of it. The following people that I list are important because without them I wouldn't have achieved everything that I have this year; Keira, David and everyone at Vulture Hound, Bristol Live Magazine, Clunk Magazine, Attack Music, Liam at SW1 Productions, Charlie at Mono, Honey and Heavy Souls for ALWAYS chucking money my way, any musician that has allowed me to photograph them (particularly We Never Learned To Live, Hypophora and Tinnedfruit who I feel I may have stalked!), and anyone who has shared my photographs to a wider audience.
I'm more than a little bit poor form doing this but I'm ultimately living the dream. Let's make 2017 even dreamier!