UK Creative

Craig Taylor-Broad Photography Blog

Portrait, Music, Street, Flowers, Documentary and Events Photography Blog in Cornwall, UK

David, 20.12.16

These shots were created to showcase David's work, hopefully with a means to being a part of his portfolio for university etc. When we originally organised the shoot, David had planned models etc but sadly I had to cancel that shoot due to illness. By the time we did the shoot, a week or so later, the models he had arranged to shoot with were no longer available, so what we were left with was myself, David, and his living room/kitchen area. 

Initially when we started shooting each item we rushed through it as quickly as possible, almost just creating snapshots of each item being worn by David. While this was fine, it hit me during the shooting of David wearing the crown that it was perhaps an injustice to the items and that if he wanted the items to stand out in his portfolio, then maybe it would be best that the photographs themselves stood out in a fashion magazine sense. This then created this set of pictures, with each item itself creating a style of photography and showcasing not only David's great skill in crafting these items, but his ability in modelling them, also.

Whilst editing them, particularly the sequined kimono, it occurred to me that I haven't really delved into fashion photography, at least for a long time. This is mainly due to laziness because I always felt that to do this justice, I would need a studio, or at least a great location, as well as a make-up artist. These shots argue with that, having been created in a small room, against a white wall, using one flash unit and a stand alone small continuous lighting unit. Needless to say, I hope that in 2017 I won't be shying away from shooting more fashion based portraits.