UK Creative

Craig Taylor-Broad Photography Blog

Portrait, Music, Street, Flowers, Documentary and Events Photography Blog in Cornwall, UK

Andromedas Autumn, Portrait Photography via Zoom, 2.12.2020

Where were these photographs taken?
These photographs were taken using the power of the internet!

Some words about the shots…
I’ve started putting my zoom shoots on social media for people to see and the response has been so strange. The majority of models think that it’s interesting and would like to try it sometime but photographers, boy do most of them hate it!

The consensus amongst the photographers who have commented is that the quality is too low, that there’s no creativity in it, and that as the model is positioning their laptop/phone, they may as well do self portraits, there’s no need for the photographer to be there.

While I appreciate the view point of anyone and take it onboard, I feel like these are the sort of people who panicked and exclaimed that the kindle would be the death of books (I wonder if anyone ever got stroppy and said that lifts would be the end of stairs?!) Anyway, the general thing I take from people who have criticised my Zoom shoots are that 1. They’ve never done one and 2. They aren’t open to doing one. With that in mind, I’m not entirely sure why people feel threatened by something they aren’t even going to attempt?

Anyway, some actual words about the shots! We had a limited space to work in but we had the cool little spacey backdrop as well as the hanging stars and moons. It took a few minutes but after a bunch of shots I was getting a bit of a fun The Cure vibe which later on mixed with more of a psychedelic Bowie vibe. From the mid-point onwards I tried some things, slow shutter speeds, prisms and also in-camera double exposures. Most of which work via Zoom!

I hope you enjoy the shots!