Kelly, Portraits in Cornwall, 22.7.19

Where were these photographs taken?
These photographs were taken in Pool, Cornwall.
Some words about the shots…
A lot of the time when I work with models I have to pose them myself so the process is quite slow and I’m definitely more used to that.
Kelly on the other hand is definitely more eager to pose herself and move around more within the frame which is definitely great for a variety of different shots within the same framed idea. Working with more people who are comfortable and able to pose themselves is definitely something that I would love to look to do in the future, not just for more posing ideas for myself, but just to switch up the speed of shoots.
Also, I’ve battled on, wanting to do wider, quirkier shots for awhile on lenses not really suited for that. I’m hoping that over the next few weeks I’ll be able to have a lens that actually works with this in mind and really experiment with that.