UK Creative

Craig Taylor-Broad Photography Blog

Portrait, Music, Street, Flowers, Documentary and Events Photography Blog in Cornwall, UK

Flower Photography in Cornwall, UK April '19 - April '20

Where were these photographs taken?
These photographs were taken around various locations in Cornwall, UK between the time of April ‘19 until April ‘20.

Some words about the shots…
A couple of years ago I became majorly obsessed with capturing floral photography but during the summer of last year I just started feeling like I was taking the same photograph over and over and not progressing. It became stale and I felt like I was just seeing the same flowers over and over with nothing new. With this, instead of trying to evolve and try new things with it I basically just stopped shooting so often, which obviously was an error in judgement.

I’ve recently started up shooting various bits again, mainly when testing vintage lenses that have recently been refurbished or whatever and it gave me a bit of the bug again.

What we have within this blog then is basically a years worth of floral photography which explains the vast difference between many of the shots. It involves the era where I was putting Vaseline on my lenses to create softness which I found hit and miss at the time but looking back at the images has created something that is beautiful more often than not.

I’m hoping to potentially do some limited print runs of a few of these images, until then, I hope you enjoy the blog.