UK Creative

Craig Taylor-Broad Photography Blog

Portrait, Music, Street, Flowers, Documentary and Events Photography Blog in Cornwall, UK

Flower Photography in Cornwall, UK, May '20 - June'20

Where were these photographs taken?
These photographs were taken around various locations in Cornwall, UK between the time of May ‘20 until June ‘20.

Some words about the shots…
I’ve been working around different techniques with my floral images.

Firstly I’ve been attempting some free lensing. This is, in simplistic terms, the act of taking photographs with your lens being off the camera. It basically is supposed to create a bit of a tilt shift feel. It’s something that I’m getting to grips with, and trying to find a balance with without subjects being too out of focus, or there being too much of a light leak (having the lens away from the camera creates so mad light leaks! I’m definitely treading the line between experimenting and also still wanting the images to have a painterly quality to them.

The other way I’m shooting which you’ll see in a couple of these images, is putting black a4 card behind the subject. Sometimes the lighting works so you don’t need to do this, but I just feel like it’s a great way to isolate the subject. It’s a big tough because a lot of the time it’s not possible to use a stand so there’s a big balancing act but when it works out I think it looks great. Ideally in the future I’d like to have an assistant with me so I’m able to isolate the subject whilst also attempting free lensing.