UK Creative

Craig Taylor-Broad Photography Blog

Portrait, Music, Street, Flowers, Documentary and Events Photography Blog in Cornwall, UK

Shadow Play, 17.4.20

Where were these photographs taken?
These photographs were taken in Camborne, Cornwall, UK.

Some words about the shots…
It’s a bit strange that we started having intense bright sunny days at a time when photographers aren’t really able to shoot (I’m not a fan of bright sunny days but I know a lot who are) but the world always has a cruel irony to it.

A lot of this work is inspired by Maarten Rots (you can check out their work by clicking here), although obviously their work is a lot more colourful. Anyway, I’ve been spending my exercise time on days of really harsh sunlight trying to find pockets of light and shadow that are interesting I guess in more of a graphic design way more than anything. While being a photographer means you’re always looking at ways to work with light, I’m not sure I’ve so intensely gone out to seek out light and shadow in this way so much and while obviously many of this body of work may seem quite hit and miss, I feel that just the act of doing this will instil skills in me that will be useful for portraits moving on into the future. I always struggle with shooting in intense sunlight, so this may be a good way to adapt and make it work for me in an obscure way.

I hope you enjoy some of the shots.