Blue River, Live Music and Behind The Scenes at Tunes In The Dunes, Cornwall. 24.5.19

Where were these photographs taken?
These photographs were taken of Blue River’s performance at Tunes In The Dunes in Perranporth, Cornwall.
Some words about the shots…
I’ve never been to Tunes In The Dunes before (as I’m not much of a festival fan!) but it did a great job at being a pretty laid back festival.
In terms of the shots, every venue has its own difficulties. Here, obviously being daylight, the biggest issue I found was the huge extent of variants in lighting, and mainly from members being backlit with sunlight. The other issue when it comes to bigger venues is always gear and focal length of lenses. Here I generally used my 70-200mm lens as well as occasionally my 24-70mm lens and while that gave me a pretty good scope to get a variety of different shots (as well as having the whole set to shoot and access to side stage etc) there were definitely times where I wanted to go wider with shots but physically couldn’t and on the flip side, times when I wanted a longer reach.
As always with shooting shows, you do the best with the tools at your disposal and improvise.
If you’d like to check out Blue River, you can by clicking here.