UK Creative

Craig Taylor-Broad Photography Blog

Portrait, Music, Street, Flowers, Documentary and Events Photography Blog in Cornwall, UK

Molly, Portrait Photography via Zoom, 9.5.21

Where were these photographs taken?
These photographs were taken using Zoom and the power of the internet!

Some words about the shots…
I’ve known Molly for quite some time and we’ve spoken over the internet on various occasions but never actually spoken face to face. Such is the nature of the internet, and the world right now, that we finally achieve that through a Zoom call (Lucky really because Molly has now moved to Sweden!)

I don’t want to talk too much about the shots but more so, just about how daunting it can sometimes be working with an artist. Particularly someone as good at their craft as Molly is. Everyone has their own take on art and their own way of achieving the means to the end but when you’re working with someone who works in the same field, it can be a little scary. Hopefully Molly likes some of the photographs at least!

You can see Molly’s incredible work by clicking this link.

I hope that you enjoy these Zoom portraits!