UK Creative

Craig Taylor-Broad Photography Blog

Portrait, Music, Street, Flowers, Documentary and Events Photography Blog in Cornwall, UK

Lova, Portrait Photography via Zoom, 7.3.21

Where were these photographs taken?
These photographs were taken using Zoom and the power of the internet!

Some words about the shots…
The longer time goes on, the more I’m inclined to take experimental shots, especially through Zoom. It’s going to play havoc with my portfolio, and it’s probably going to play havoc with anyone who wants to book with me I guess. I do really like pushing my own boundaries and seeing what happens. Especially when it comes to soft focus, abstraction, and just seeing how far I can go before my brain tells me to stop because it isn’t sharp enough.

Anyway, onto the shoot! Lova spoke beforehand about having a projector so we moved towards that direction. When it comes to Zoom shoots, I’ve never done one in more artificial light. Generally when people want to shoot on Zoom, I tend to go for daytime and usually 11 or 2, unless the person states that they have cool lighting at a particular time of day. There’s always a sense with Zoom that if the light is low, the image will be awful and to some degree I guess that’s right. We work best with limitations though and Zoom is already a limitation, so why not add more right?!

The images used were stills. One of a stained glass window, another was a landscape of a bridge, and finally, an image of Lova. I kind of just let Lova do their thing rather than get caught up trying to pose and trying to get certain parts of the face towards certain parts of the projection. Obviously that made things a bit more hit and miss but it also led to a less constrained shoot which in my mind is always better.

I hope you enjoy these Zoom portraits!