Sons of Autumn, Cornwall, UK, 6.4.19

Where were these photographs taken?
These photographs were taken around St. Austell and Par in Cornwall.
Some words about the shots…
Working with bands is always interesting because it seems to be a battle between matching your creative input with the wants of the band you’re photographing (which is pretty much the same battle with every client to be fair). Luckily I know Phil, the drummer, and he’s very supportive and encouraging of me being creative as possible.
Pre-shoot we had discussed varying ideas, many of which we didn’t manage to have to time for, but the general remit was that the shots needed to feel and look grungy.
When I approach any shoot, particularly band shoots, I generally mood board ideas and research bands that the band I’m shooting are influenced by in order to get a flavour of the type of vibe that’s expected. Luckily with Sons of Autumn I think the vibe was pretty much the photographers that I’ve followed since picking up my camera myself so researching the likes of Anton Corbijn and Steve Gullick wasn’t too difficult, and while you can never emulate such iconic photographers for a band I can only hope that I’ve put my own creative stamp on the shots that we’ve achieved.
Some words about the band…
Sons of Autumn are a completely new two piece band from Cornwall. They are currently compiling a bunch of press photographs and recordings before they unless a social media onslaught on you all. I can say however that I’ve heard a bunch of demos and if you’re a fan of bands like Pearl Jam then you will 100% love them, so keep an eye out!